Radio silence – and why

A little update on my work, to explain the radio silence.

I left the Bureau after two very happy and interesting years there, ending with writing a report for the Bureau about how to make journalism there more engaged and collaborative with the communities we served. That report was internal, so I can’t share it, but I overlapped that work with a consultancy for the wonderful Membership Puzzle Project at New York University. That project was about how to make journalism more responsive to members and communities, and you can read it here.

Click to access mpp_memberful_routines_report_eng_01.pdf

After that project, I was hired by Liberty to found and launch a new, editorially independent journalism unit, which we called Liberty Investigates. A busy year ensued, and the unit is safely launched. You can see some of our launch journalism here:

Under pressure: disabled people mobilise to defend their human rights

I’m now taking a bit of time away from staff journalism to freelance – on my passion subjects in particular, but you can hire me!

Most recently I wrote on racism for the Guardian , on segregation for Open Democracy and I’m diving back into disability journalism soon.

You can always catch up with my journalism by checking my online portfolio:

Excitingly, I am also back at work on my book, a novel based on the true story of two young women who fall in love and are transported to Australia in the 1820s. I’ll keep you posted on that and hope to finish it soon.